D's version of vegetable terrine...delicious, simple, and fresh.
Get Your Closet Summer-Ready!
CommentIt is that time of year to change out your closet. Put away your fall and winter clothes and break out the spring/summer wardrobe.
Staging Your Home for a Successful Sale
CommentI receive many calls from clients looking for help to prepare their homes for sale. A home needs to be de-cluttered and staged in order to sell it quickly and for top dollar.
Do your cars fit in the garage?
CommentAs a Professional Organizer, I've organized many garages. It is a common problem that cars do not fit in the garage, tools can not be found, items can not be reached and overall, the area is just plain dirty.
Ask D Featured Question: How to Get Rid of Unwanted Stuff
Living Simply, OrganizingCommentThe Question: When you are clearing out and organizing, where is the quickest, easiest place to get rid of your "Do not wants", but are too good to trash?