5 Simple Steps to Get Organized Now!

Deanne CapotostoComment

Organizing skills. I truly believe that you’re either born with them or you have to be taught.

Some people, such as myself, are born with the natural tendency to organize. But for most people, it has to be learned. And that is ok! I always tell my clients that I don’t expect them to be just like me. I help them create customized organizing solutions and teach my clients how to maintain their systems.  

Whether you are young or old, we can all learn new habits. These five steps below will teach you simple habits for a more organized life.



1. Keep a Schedule

Record appointments on your schedule as soon as you make them. This should include events such as work, school, volunteering, or a dinner date. That way you never double-book or miss a meeting. I’m a very visual person, so I use a written day planner book. However, many people use the calendar on their phone or computer.  Whatever works for you is what is best. 

 2. Write a To-Do List 

I always write a to-do list at night for the next day. Your list should include anything you want to achieve that day. These are your action items. It’s fun to check them off your list as you complete them and feel that sense of accomplishment. Make sure you check your schedule and keep it in mind as you write your daily to-do list.

3. Don’t Procrastinate

Doing things right away is one of the keys to staying organized! Whether it’s sorting a pile of mail that just arrived, paying a bill, or washing those dirty dishes in the kitchen sink, piles turn into projects. So the quicker you deal with things, the more time and energy you’ll save in the long run.

4. Do Your Least Favorite Thing First

Work first. Play Later. That was our motto growing up. Do your least favorite things right away and check them off your to-do list. This will keep you motivated and the things you enjoy most will be your reward at the end of your day. 

5. Be an Optimist

You can go through the motions, but the key to success is having a winning attitude. Keep your outlook bright and do things that will make you feel good about yourself inside and out. If you have a positive view of life, you will be more motivated to stay organized!