When I was younger, I made yearly resolutions just like everyone else. I resolved to lose weight, read the newspaper daily, exercise more, etcetera, etcetera.
I think we all know that resolutions do not work long term. Spring comes and we don’t even remember the resolution.
With this coming new year, do you want to:
- have more time
- feel healthier
- fulfill your dreams
- become more productive
- clear the clutter
- reduce stress in your life
Well, that's what living simply is all about. But...how do you achieve this?
You can live better through simplicity by creating new habits. Once you incorporate them in your lifestyle, you will achieve your goals.
Here are some simple habits you can add to your life this year to help you live simply:
- Get rid of the clutter. Less is more! Only keep those things that you love. When you clear the physical clutter it is amazing how it clears you mentally, emotionally and spiritually.
- Clean out the unhealthy food in your cabinets and refrigerator. Replace them with healthy choices. Fresh fruits, lots of colorful vegetables and lean protein will make you feel better all year long.
- Get outside and move your body. Focus on adding movement to your life and choose an activity that you enjoy. Exercise should make you feel happy.
- Make a plan to fulfill your dreams. For me it is to travel. Plan that trip now! Book it and budget for it. Don’t wait or it will never happen. These steps can apply to fulfilling any dream.
- Make the effort to spend time with family and friends. Schedule it so that you do it. Treasure your time together.
- Do nothing. Yup…just relax and have a "do nothing day".
And remember, living simply really is achievable!
I'd love to hear your comments below. Share with me what you're hoping to achieve in 2016!